Thursday, December 8, 2011

Valuable Tips To Take Care Of Amber Jewelry

Amber jewelry must be wrapped in soft cloth. It is generally safe to keep them in relatively dark places since direct sunlight might make them fade soon. While cleaning these pieces, you must be careful to use only soft materials in the process. Using a pointed object may damage the amber making your jewelry less appealing.

It is suggested that amber jewelry looks good as long as you wear it. This is because it is constantly exposed to oils from the skin. But you have to be careful while doing laundry or even washing vessels when wearing amber jewelry. If you are compelled to keep it in some safe place, ensure that it is kept at a distance from the rest of the jewelry. When mixed with the rest, there could be scratches that lead to its breakage too.

Taking care of amber jewelry is not impossible. Families that boast of possessing amber jewelry from many centuries are proof enough that they can be preserved. If you are ready to spend a huge amount in owning the jewelry, you may also spend a little more time and effort every year to keep it as fresh as a new one. Just follow the above mentioned tips and you will be pleased with the results.

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wholesale fashion jewelry |By Jane Miller on July 07, 2011

The perfumes and cologne sprays that you use on a daily basis poses a threat to amber jewelry. When these substances come in contact with amber, they lead to fading of the gem. Hence the jewelry begins to look extremely aged.

Women wearing amber rings must be very cautious while cooking. It is advisable not to expose amber ot extreme heat. When exposed to very high temperatures, amber has a tendency to develop cracks on its surface. This will make it less attractive to the eyes.

One common mistake that people do while trying to clean the amber jewelry is that they use tough chemical substances. This is not advisable since such chemicals may affect the amber and take away its beauty. Soaps and detergents are among the harsh substances that should be avoided. Amber has the attribute of getting oxidized over time. So they are bound to change color and require regular maintenance. The underlying point is not to go overboard and use chemicals for instant or permanent results.

Amber is bound to lose the shine over time. But you can restore the glow by using olive oil. The oil can be slightly rubbed on the surface of the stone. Once done the excess oil can be wiped off the surface. The jewelry will look as good as new after this simple procedure.

Amber jewelry is an asset worth possessing. A trend that was started centuries before is finding more and more acceptance today. The inexpensive jewelry is now a fashion statement. Jewelry stores are launching their own websites to exclusively sell amber jewelry to women across the world. If you already own the jewelry, you must know how to take care of it so it does not lose its sheen.

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Published at Sooper Articles - Ezine Articles Directory

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